Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Working Title - Burger Bar (Arab Street)

ABBEY: This is where we dined before going to 2016 River Festival. It is in Arab St. 

While checking their menu, their The Working Title Tower of Power really caught my attention. Its entry occupied one whole page of their menu. Two burger patties, tater tots, cheddar cheese, caramelised onions with barbecue sauce and serving of fries. Who wouldn't want that?  But it comes with a high price of 24 SGD. 

It took time before my order reached my table which I understand. Maybe I expected that if you something a tower, it will be tall. The burger stand a 6-7 inch tall. 

I don't like the burger patty. It is not even close to a beef patty. It looks like the vegan version. The texture is rubbery and your finger will bounce back when you poke it. Not the burger I'm expecting. The cheddar cheese somehow compensated for my disappointment.

The Working Title Tower of Power Burger

Working Title Burger Bar's Self Service Counter 
Working Title Burger Bar Ice Cream Burger

WILL: Abbey! Oh Abbey! 

We went to the famous street that is just on the corner of Bugis MRT, do you know where is it? Correct! Haji Lane.  

Gosh! There are too many cafe and all loaded with people merrymaking due to the weekend. We can't find a serene place that time and googled "best cafe at Haji Lane". In an instant, we saw the Working Title Cafe. 

We make our way to Arab Street and found the site. It is quieter than the other cafe and without hesitation we settled in there. 

I am quite full so I just went for dessert. I ordered Ice Cream Burger ($9.00). It is picture perfect. The taste? For me, the ice cream was nicely combined with their fried bun. I would suggest to eat the ice cream and bun together. The bread cannot stand alone. It is too oily and your brain will alert you that it is not good for your health. Haha! 

I am quite satisfied with my desert but will I come back? Nope!

(working title) Burger Bar
(A) 48 Arab Street 
(H) Monday to Thursday, 11am to 10pm
Friday, 11am to 11pm
Saturday and Sunday, 10am to 11pm

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Stir-fried Quail Egg, Mushroom, & Asparagus (Maggi's Recipe)

2 cups asparagus (sliced)
1 medium cucumber (unpeeled and cut to 3-inch long strips)
2-3 celery stalks (3-inch long strips)
1 cup shitake mushrooms (thin slices)
1 medium carrot (3-inch long strips)
15-20 hard boiled quail eggs
3-5 tbsp oyster sauce
2 tbsp sesame oil

Put oil in a pan and sauté asparagus and carrots for 2 minutes.
Add the rest of the vegetables and cook until tender. Do not cover.
Mix in the quail eggs and oyster sauce.
Serve with hot rice.

Stir-fried Quail Egg, Mushroom, & Asparagus (Maggi's Recipe)

WILL: Maggi will not be left behind in publishing an easy to cook, nourishing and on budget recipes in facebook. Of course!

I saw this on Jhen's wall. Haha! As usual, shared it to Abbey and requested him to cook it for one of our dinner. Gladly, he agreed and put it immediately on our next week's list. 

The taste? Your brain will automatically announced that it is a healthy food. The crunchiness of the vegetables and the aroma of greeneries will soak your brain up. 

For sure, this will be one of our healthier variations on our weekly menu.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Easy Shiitake Mushroom Omelette Recipe

At last after three tries, I perfected how to fold an omelette.
Here are the ingredients.

Shitake mushrooms (soaked 2-3 hours before cooking)

Once soaked, drain the mushrooms and cut them into thin slices.
Sauté it in a pan and put salt and pepper to taste. Set aside.

Place a small pan on the stove in very low heat. Put a teaspoon of oil and make sure that the pan is covered.
Beat an egg and put a little bit of salt.
Pour 1/3 of the egg in the pan until it formed a thin layer. Place some mushrooms on the middle of the egg and tuck it in with both sides of the egg.
Place it on one side of the pan and place another third of the egg, then fold it again. Do this the 3rd time and you have your beautifully folded omelette.
Repeat the process for as many omelette you want to cook.

Shiitake Mushroom Omelette

WILL: It is not always perfect on your first try. The simplest thing that you think is sometimes the most difficult to do. Haha! And that exactly happened to our Shiitake Omelette. 

I tried twice and I gave up. Haha! Abbey tried and he failed too. One afternoon, he asked if I am already at home and enthusiastically told me to checkout what will be for my dinner. Then, I saw a nicely wrapped mushroom. 

The egg perfectly hugged the mushroom. I can't get enough of those! Ha! 

Anyways, that's it. This viand will not be absent in our monthly list. For sure! :) 

Thanks to my ever patient Abbey.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Play CASHFLOW® - Get Out of the Rat Race (2014 Version)

ABBEY: We bought this game board when we attended the Wealth Summit last 2015. And this is the first time we played it. Not that we are playing the game the first time but we have digital versions of it. It is the version of Cashflow released on 2014. The difference from the classic? You have to have and declare your own dream (no more pre-conceived list) and your goal is to increase your cashflow in Fast Track by 50000.

My dreams for our 3 games are: cancer reasearch, travel the world and build a school. And I'm proud that I won them all :)

Even a different version from the original, you still have the same goal. Build passive income that will be more or equal to your expenses. Then you're out of the rat race. Fast Track will not be called by that name for nothing. It will be a bliss once you're there. Just be prepared for the tax audit, divorce, and unforeseen events. 

Deal with what the dice roll out.

CASHFLOW® - Get Out of the Rat Race (2014 Version Board) 
WILL: If you are keen to learn "financial literacy" you will not surely miss the name Robert Kiyosaki. The best selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad. He introduced the 4 quadrants and this Cashflow board game.  

In one of meet-up here in Singapore where I first saw the Cashflow real life. Why? Because Abbey bought its iPad app version. Hehe. Of course, challenging a human is more exciting than playing with a computer. Hehe. 

When Robert Kiyosaki visited Singapore last year, we bought the Cashflow 2014 version. Yey! But too busy, we only opened and played it this year. Haha!

So what is the difference between original to its 2014 version? You will think of your own goal. :) Gosh! This time, I never won against my husband. He totally honed his strategies to outwit the doodads that may come his way. 

Cashflow is better than Monopoly. Why? It doesn't need you to let other people down for you to succeed. You will not mind on others' businesses/things. Cashflow will teach you how handle yourself in deciding how to make a small or big deals. 

I can't wait to play this game with my nephews!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Ritz Toasted Chips - Cheddar / Sour Cream & Onion Flavour

ABBEY: I was going round and round Sheng Siong for our weekly grocery when I stumbled upon this treasure :)

It was a pack of Ritz bite-size crackers. We bought the cheese-
flavored one for 4.95. It tastes good. I finish half of it in one sittig whereas the recommended serving is only 12 pieces. Haha. Next we tried the sour cream and onion flavor but too salty as if it has MSG. I still prefer the cheese. 

Next time we'll get the original.

Ritz Toasted Chips - Cheddar / Sour Cream & Onion Flavour 

WILL: Crackers invade the chips section in our room! OMG! So, Ritz is the lucky one who get a spot in our weekly grocery list. 

Abbey, that time, is staring at Ritz Cheddar Cheese. Then he looked at me, then stare again at Ritz as if the pack of crackers hypnotizing him to take it. Haha! I blurted take it and he resists because of the price. But still, I pushed him to buy a pack to taste it. 

That night, gosh! You will break a promise to yourself! I keep on saying that it will be the last piece but I can't hold back my tight hand to take another one. Haha!

So what I can say? This cracker is addictive specially the cheddar. I will suggest to buy the Cheddar and not the Sour and Cream flavour. 

Happy snacking!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Super Crispy Shiitake Mushroom Recipe

400g potato starch
400g shitake mushroom
Vegetable oil (for deep frying)
Salt and pepper

Soak shitake mushroom in water for 6-12 hours.
Dissolve potato starch in water. It doesn't matter how much water as long as it is dissolved.
This should be done 2-3 hours before frying or until the starch settles at the bottom of the container.
Remove water from the starch until only left is a muddy starch.
Drain water from the mushroom and start to cut them in bite-size pieces then add salt and pepper. Mix well.
Throw the mushrooms into the potato starch slurry until well coated.

Heat the oil for frying and drop the mushrooms one by one.
Do not overcrowd the pan.

The secret for crispier mushrooms is to double fry them. Cook them in batches. When all has been fried first time, you can fry the first batch to have its double fry.

Crispy-Crispy Shiitake Mushroom

WILL: This is one of the ingredients of Maangchi's Sweet and Sour Dish and we discovered this that it can be a standalone fore more than 2 years ago and I am pretty shocked that we do not share this to you guys. 

Now that mushroom chicharon is a fad, this will be a good version to do it. 

When you start eating it, it will be hard for you to stop. :)

Friday, November 4, 2016

BurgerUp (We Are Made Different) - Waterway Point Punggol Branch

ABBEY: I found this promotion when I was looking what to eat for our movie date. It comes with a chicken burger, fries and a drink. You need to place your order at the kiosk, get your order receipt and then queue at the cashier for payment. They only accept cash and NETS (if bill more than 10SGD). They have a post on the wall that the order will take 10-15 mins. Just wait for your number and you're up. 

I was surprised that even I only started to eat the burger 30 minutes after ordering, the chicken is still crispy. It was packed in a foil wrap. Not your ordinary burger huh.

I hope they can accept credit card payments and it should be done in the kiosk itself so the number of queuing will be lessened.

 BurgerUp (Waterway Point Punggol Branch) - Ordering Kiosk
BurgerUp' Crispy Chicken Burger Meal

BurgerUp (Waterway Point Punggol Branch) Promotions 

WILL: I am a bit skeptical to buy their $3.80 Chicken Burger Meal. Why? They are located just beside McDonald's at Waterway Point, so instead of exploring new brand, I rather went for the "safe" taste. But when Abbey bought a set of BurgerUp's Chicken Value Meal, I can't get enough of its taste. 

For promotion price $3.80 you will get a Crispy Chicken Burger, Fries and a small soda. The difference from other fastfood chains? The price! Haha! And of course the incredible crispiness of the chicken inside the bun. It has a distinctive flavor on the rest of food stalls that offers the same. It is a fantastic taste.

If you are on a hunt for affordable burger, queue up! Yes! There is always a queue at BurgerUp. See you again on Sunday, BurgerUp!

BurgerUP - We Are Made Different
(A) 83 Punggol Central  #B2-06 Punggol Waterway Point 
(H) Mon-Thur 11am-11pm/Fri & Eve of Public Holiday 11am-12am/Sat, Sun & Public Holiday 9am - 11pm

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Japanese Gourmet Town at VivoCity

ABBEY: Once the adrenaline rush left my system after our business plan presentation, I became hungry. Our team celebrated at Japanese Gourmet Town in Vivo City. 

I got Chicken Teriyaki Tenshin Han. Wilma and I thought that it was the rice meal which was wrapped it an omelette. But it turned out to be a scrambled egg dome which covers the rice. Anyways it is still delicious and I got my fix for Japanese gravy craving. 

The meal also comes with a plate of gyoza and drink. All for $15.90. 

Chicken Cutlet Tenshin Han Set

Chicken Teriyaki Tenshin Han

Japanese Gourmet Town Menu (VivoCity) 
Osaka Osha Gyoza
WILL: After Abbey and the team presented the business plan to a group of panelists, we celebrated that happy event at Japanese Gourmet Town at VivoCity. 

I went for Chicken Cutlet Tenshin Han Set. It is comprising of Tenshin Han (Rice Topped with Egg), their well recommended Osaka Osha Gyoza, Egg Soup and a glass of soda. You can get get all of that for only $14.90. It is a huge serving. Haha! 

So what's the verdict? The taste is awesome. Specially the gyoza! Oishi!!! I may suggest that they should have an unlimited gyoza promotion. :) 

'Till next time Japanese Gourmet Town!

Japanese Gourmet Town
(A) 1 Harbourfront Walk #01-157/158, VivoCity

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Honey Garlic Chicken Easy Recipe

Boneless chicken thighs (cut into 3-inch pieces)
4-5 cloves garlic minced
1 tbsp minced ginger
2-3 tbsp honey
2-3 tbsp soy sauce

Fry chicken in a pan with little oil until golden brown and then set aside.
Using the same pan, sauté garlic and ginger until fragrant.
Put soy sauce and honey and let the suace thicken.
Mix in the chicken until covered by the sauce.
Serve with hot rice.

Honey Garlic Chicken Easy Recipe
WILL: Everybody seems were hooked in food cooking pages in facebook. I tried to cook this, then I failed haha! Abbey, my own chef and saviour gave it a try and tennneeennn.. PERFECT!

It is sweet, aromatic and have a sting of spiciness. Love it! Oh! The chicken have a crunchy texture too! How can you eat at restaurant if someone can cook for you a delicious food! Haha! 

Mahal ko si Abbey!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Easy One Pot Cajun Chicken Recipe

Chicken parts (legs, wings, thighs) - we used boneless thighs
3-4 stalks of celery ribs (chopped to small pieces)
1 can red kidney beans
1 can diced tomato
1 medium green bell pepper (diced)
1 medium onion (diced)
2-3 tsp cajun seasoning
1-2 tsp cayenne pepper
2-3 cloves garlic (minced)
chicken stock or cubes
uncooked rice (brown or white)
2-3 tbsp olive oil

Fry chicken in a pan with olive oil until golden brown. Set aside.
On the same pan, sauté onion, celery, and bell pepper.
Add minced garlic once onion is translucent.
Next mix in cajun seasoning and cayenne.
Put the diced tomato and water according to how you cook the rice. Add a cup more as the beans will also absorb it. Upon boiling, throw in the chicken cubes and let it be dissolved.
Finally ad rice and beans and let it cook.

Easy One Pot Cajun Chicken Recipe
WILL: Now, I am experiencing the anxiety my Mom revealed to me when she asked me what food our Ate Natie should cook for us on the following day. She narrated viands and none of them hit my head and to her frustration she blurted out “Wag na kayo kumain.” Haha! Now, because of YouTube and facebook, it is lot easier to search for new kind of food to serve on the dining table.Abbey is avid fan of cooking channel at YouTube specially of The Domestic Geek. Sara Lynn Cauchon’s smile is mesmerizing!  

Abbey, surprise me of One Pot Cajun Chicken. When I arrived at our doorstep, the aroma greeted me! It is spicy, it is tasty! Flavours play with my taste buds! Gosh! What a lovely dish! 

Thanks Abbey for cooking this and cheers to The Domestic Geek for inspiring my husband to cook!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Mushroom and Baby Spinach Pasta Easy Recipe

Olive Oil
Sliced Shiitake mushrooms
Chopped Garlic
3 Tablespoons Butter
1 Packed Baby Spinach
1 Lemon (Juiced)
salt and pepper, to taste
250g pasta of your choice

Heat a large frying pan over medium-high heat then add the oil. Fry the mushrooms until golden brown. Add garlic and butter and fry until the garlic is cooked (do not burn). Throw in the washed spinach. Add the cooked pasta. Splash lemon juice and salt and pepper to taste. Stir. Served Hot :)

Mushroom and Baby Spinach Pasta Easy Recipe 

ABBEY: This is another creation of my Baby Wilma. Pasta with mushroom and spinach in olive, boring? No it is not. This simple dinner is delicious and packs a lot of flavour. 

Maybe not your ordinary pasta flooded with tomato sauce and meatballs but it is good to divert from the usual from time to time. 

Next, maybe tuna or salmon can join the party.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Inferno Singapore (2016 Film) - Dan Brown

ABBEY: This is the third installation of Robert Langdon's story; the main character of the novels by Dan Brown. 

It started in the hospital where Robert was being treated. He is having trouble remembering what transpired the past 48 hours and having visions and weird dreams. He doesn't even remember the word for coffee :) But just as puzzle-solver he is and with his skills regarding the arts, he is able to decipher it and save the world. There maybe wrong guesses and interpretation of information but all fell into places before the inferno strikes. 

Like the Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons, this movie made me appreciate the arts more and the secret passageways on museums :)

Shaw Theatres Singapore Inferno Movie Booking Confirmation

WILL: The first book I read that was written by Dan Brown is the Deception Point. Oh! I have no intention to put it down unless my eyes screaming at me so I can put them to slumber. Haha. Then, Abbey surprised me of the boom Inferno. :) And for the second time, I watch a movie that I have read. Ha!

It just validated by imagination while reading Inferno. But I cannot help myself to smile at myself because I know what will happen next. Crazy right? 

Anyways, I enjoyed the movie!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

TEDxNTU (Singapore) 2016: Through the Looking Glass

ABBEY: I registered late for this event due to my schedule getting changed at the 11th hour. And I got a reply that I'm on the waiting list. I was hesitant to come as I know the event will be fully packed and going there and being told that there is no room for more will be disappointing. But still I pushed for it and luckily I got in. TEDx NTU welcomes walk-ins. Yey!

We were there 20 minutes early. From the start until the end, all the talks and ideas are all worth spreading. From reptiles to genes to water. What struck me the most is the talk from Raj Singh. He talked about the life of foreign workers for households and construction. They all endure the hardships, struggles, sacrifices and criticisms just to send money back to their families back home. It gave me more awareness of how they are being treated and how they should be treated.

I hope I can attend more TED events or can be the one who will stand in that red circle.

 TEDxNTU (Singapore) 2016: Through the Looking Glass Team
WILL: Be careful what you wish for...this is the best part of unrelentless praying and murmuring your wants and needs to ALMIGHTY. One prayer was granted..again. To attend a live TED talk. 

Why would I submerge myself in telenovelas (sorry I am not fond of it) when I could pick some brains of experts in their fields? TEDx was held at NTU one Saturday and Abbey's classmate send the invite for us months before. No second thoughts, I registered. 

What's the best part I have learned? From Dr. Chris Cummings, communication can break us apart. Dr. Jørgen Schlundt  verified Abbey and I thinking that people are getting sick because of the chemicals we are putting in our food and feeds given to domesticated livestocks.  Akshobh Giridharadas, "yellow journalism" is all over the web. A catchy/fear spreading title but nothing special inside. Investigative journalism is dying because of this non-sense news that lurks in social media sites. Yamini Bhaskar fear can be unlearned (okay I will work on that) and Raj Singh made my tear flow while seeing seeing his short video about workers here in Singapore. 

An-eye opening experience. Ideas worth to think of. Ideas worth sharing! Thanks NTU for the free TEDx, free lunch and high tea (never get the chance to taste the food or drinks served, don't worry it is okay), free goodie bag! Till next year's TEDx.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Will's First Personal Finance Talk

ABBEY: Wilma gave her talk last October 1. Her topic? "How to get what you want?". Simple question with simple answer: Know what you want and get it. But do you really know what you want? And are you doing actions to get it? Watch the video and please take action.

"One thing at a time", that is our motto in goals we are eyeing to. After Abbey's talk last June on how to change your perspective in life, kuya Rex scheduled me for October's Finance Talk. It's time to give back. 

I do hope that I have enlightened some and have encouraged them to what I have discussed to achieve their goals. 

Abbey and I found some men that wants to invest on our future project. Yey! 'Till next time. I am looking forward to pitch our projects to qualified investors some day. :) 

Enjoy the video.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Rev Up Singapore! - Thursday Pit Lane Experience 2016

ABBEY: We were able to secure tickets for 2016 Formula 1 Singapore Airlines Singapore Grand Prix Pit Lane experience. And we went there with my brothers-in-law. 

At the entrance, we were given glowing wrist straps; very cool design. Like any other Night Race eve, merchandises, food and drinks were being sold. Free temporary tattoos, podium stage replica photo ops were there also. The Koi Boys gave us wonderful performance before the circuit is open. 

The purpose of the colored wriststraps is for crowd control which is a nice improvement so people will not queue up for so long and not enjoy the live entertainment at the Village Stage. We also got a chance to take snaps of the sexy showgirls of Samba Brasil. 

What I observed is that many of the team garages were closed. So what are we supposed to do on that? They're just gray walls with the name of driver of top. We're ok even only the car will be seen as the driver's appearance is rare. But a closed garage, c'mon. 

I hope it will be better next year.

Wrist Straps Bracelet Light2016 
Formula 1 Singapore Airlines Singapore Grand Prix
Thursday Pit Lane Experience
WILL: Before the roaring engines of Formula 1 cars on weekends are the laughters and handclaps of fans who won a Thursday Pit Lane Experience. :) 

Wohoooo! Now, we are together with my brothers. So what's with 2016's Rev-Up Singapore? Yay, for new wrist straps bracelet light! Yay for the Koi Band from Australia and DJ who plays songs around 80's. Yay for the Brazilian Girls who welcome us on our way to Pit Lane. Hmmm, boo to close garages. C'mon, even a shadow of F1 team's single tire cannot be seen. My excitement suddenly plunged down. 

Well, I enjoyed the performers. I am expecting next year Singapore GP have something up in their sleeves that will rocked the Little Red Dot! It is their 10th year in here and I attended 3 of those! Wooohooo! Can't wait to see the performers lineup next year! :) 

Suggestion? Can you put again a Fan Zone Contest? This will excite all the ticket holders for sure!

Formula 1 - Singapore Airlines Singapore Grand Prix 
Thursday Pit Lane Experience 
Stay tune here to win 2017:

Friday, September 30, 2016

Easy Minced Pork Thai Basil Recipe

500g of minced pork
5-6 cloves garlic (minced)
1 medium onion (minced)
5-6 chilli pepper (minced)
1 cup basil
1 medium lime (cut into wedges)

Sauce ratio:
2 tbs sugar : 1 tbs soy sauce : 1 tbs thai fish sauce

Mix the ingredients for sauce and have the sugar dissolved. Set aside.

Sauté onion, garlic, then chili.
Mix in the pork until it is brown in color.
Put the sauce and let it be absorbed by the pork.
Remove from heat, put in the basil and stir.
Serve with hot rice and squeeze in the lime.

Easy Minced Pork Thai Basil
Abbey will not stop until it is perfect. Haha! This is his second try. 

Abbey is so excited when I got home and keep on checking if I already had my dinner. Well, he have the reason to be that enthusiast, he pull out the best Minced Pork Thai Basil I ever tasted. I can eat that for days. Bye diet! haha!

Try this recipe! Guaranteed tasty! 

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Eatery at Four Points by Sheraton Singapore, Riverview (Lunch and Dinner Buffet)

ABBEY: We went here for lunch buffet with Kuya Iking. The buffet is still being setup but they already ushered us to our table. 

It was a seafood buffet and I reminded myself to be more cautious of the food. I think every dish that they can put shrimp into, they did. I had Hokien prawn mee and enjoyed it as I drizzle it with calamansi (palabok style). Also I got pasta, tuna and greek salads. Then I tried their tandoori lamb. It was delicious. For dessert I had chocolate and vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup. To settle it all, I went for coffee. The staff keeps looking at us as we're resting and they keep on asking us to eat more. Maybe they thought that we don't like the buffet. To prove them wrong, we went again at Four Points, this time for dinner, 7 days after our lunch.

It was a lobster feast. Wilma's colleagues went with us and each one was given a half serving of a lobster. What I enjoyed the most are baked halibut, seafood rice, sashimi (I missed this when we had lunch), chicken in paper, and their fried shrimp with wasabi mayo. Definitely it was a feast. 

And to top the experience we got it for 50% off as I'm Starwood Preferred Guest member.

Half Portion Of Grilled Boston Lobster

Eatery at Four Points by Sheraton Singapore, Riverview

WILL: We were the luckiest person in earth that we both availed the lunch and dinner buffet at Eatery at Four Points by Sheraton for 50% off. Yes! 50% off. Later I will tell you how. ;) 

I am expecting that they have almost have the similar variants on lunch and dinner but surprisingly they have different food served. 

What the best food I have tried on their lunch? It is their scallop dumpling. I almost finish the whole bunch on the steaming machine. Haha! Then on dinner, of course their lobster baked with cheese! Yummmm! Oh! Don't forget to get some gong gong. Deep fried coated shrimp and hot chocolate cake that is available on lunch and dinner buffet are the food that you shouldn't let passed. :) haha. 

So how we got the 50% off in this newly opened Four Points by Sheraton (Riverview)? Because we registered to be a member in here. It is free guys! You can use it internationally and gain points that you can redeem for free stays. Promotions are all over at SPG members and its free, you do not have the excuse not to be part of it. :) 

Register here to Starwood Preferred Guest!

Eatery at Four Points by Sheraton Singapore, Riverview 
(A) 382 Havelock Road

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Ramen & Tonkatsu Ma Maison (Capitol Piazza)

ABBEY: We dined in Ma Maison restaurant at Capitol Piazza before we go to Singapore GP 2016 Pit-Lane experience. 

This is a Japanese restaurant and since I want to have a day free of fried things I chose ramen over tonkatsu. The day we went is Ramen Topping Day in which I got an additional egg topping for my bowl. 

The shoyu soup was flavorful and the noodle is firm. Along with it are bamboo shoots, bean sprouts, corn and egg. 

We were also able to chat with the branch manager and asked us to visit again or their other branches.

Ramen & Tonkatsu Ma Maiso's Tonkatsu Ramen Menu 
Rosu Katsu Set
Tomagu Soup Miso Tonkatsu Ramen
Ramen & Tonkatsu Ma Maison's Tonakatsu Menu

WILL: Me and my siblings are sucker for noodles, and that is why I scheduled a dinner in Ramen & Tonkatsu Ma Maison at Capitol Piazza, which will be few train stations away from F1 Pit Lane Experience. 

To my surprise, three of us went for tonkatsu meal and only Abbey ordered a huge bowl of noodles. 

What's the difference with this meal? Their meal comes with an enormous size of salad as their sides dish. Oh! They have this yummy mustard that is pretty similar taste with wasabi :). Imagine? Mustard and wasabi? My two favorite dip. ;) 

And. And. And! The heartwarming people who are there to fill-up the cup with complimentary cold tea. :) Their Filipina manager introduce us also on different promotions not only on that branch but also on their other stores too. 

Thanks guys! See you again!

Ramen & Tonkatsu Ma Maison (Capitol Piazza)
(A) 13 Stamford Road #B2-51 Capitol Piazza (City Hall MRT)