Friday, December 12, 2014

SILEO Balamban in Cebu City

ABBEY: Honestly, I forgot the name of the place where this beautiful house is located. But I do know that it is an hour travel from Cebu city proper and you will go up, yes up not north as it is on top of a hill. 

It's a 3-storey house; guest rooms with toilet and bath at level one. Next storey is dining, kitchen and living room. And on the top is a library and the master's bedroom. Since it is on a hill, the second floor acts as the main one. 

A veranda will give you a good view of adjacent hills. In early mornings, fog engulfs this space. There is a nearby restaurant which offers not only food but have "anger and fear management" activities. You can throw a plate on the wall if you're angry or conquer your fear by riding the zipline. The place is very good for relaxing and vacation.

WILL: Hey Cebuanos are you envious of people in Luzon because they have Baguio City? Look no further. You also have Balamban that Manila boys and girls are eyeing for their next vacation trip.

When we get there at Cebu, John’s mom is our host, Mommy Coy. She lent us car and their rest house up above Mount Manunggal for a night. We went there late that we never got a chance to have a glimpse of the whole area. When we arrived at their home, we were shocked to see the food waiting for us. It’s a feast!

The famous lechon Cebu was there, wine, rice and a lot more that our tummies cannot afford to take more. After our dinner we stayed outside for some wine. We talked, laughed and reminisced. It is November and the weather is so freezing cold. The breeze is cold as Baguio City but fresher.

After finishing our drinks we went to our rooms and awed with joy. Shocks! In my head, I am thinking is this a hotel or  just a house? We are so lucky to experienced this stay here! I told to myself by tomorrow I will ask Mommy Coy how much she invested in this magnificent home.

Sun rose and we were all up. Showered and went to Adventure Cafe. After our zip line escapade we went back to the Sileo and saw Mommy Coy. The ever warm and all-smile Mommy Coy. We talked about the house and more plans for the home. We told her that the rest house is awesome and why not help the others to experience also the wonderful time we had while staying in her home. Abbey and I confess that we want also a home that exactly like that. A peaceful home surrounded by green scenery.

Now readers, we are so excited to announce that this resthouse is open for public. Bed and Breakfast Style. We personally recommend for you to stay and know for yourself the amazing and serene time we had in this place.

For more information, please visit SILEO facebook page.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014)

ABBEY:  Book or movie? That would be an endless argument especially that this came from the Bible. 

We won a pair of 3D Premiere night tickets on Shaw Lido. It is the story of Moses; from his years as prince of Egypt until leading the Israelites to the Promised Land. It showed how God sent the plagues due to Pharaoh's hardened heart on releasing the Hebrews from bondage. No one will finish his plans and no one will work for him if that happens. 

My imagination for the story when I was a child came to life and I'm happy with it. Though, there are points that should not be depicted as such but as the saying goes, to each his own. I'm glad that this movie somehow became an antidote for Noah's silverscreen appearance.

WILL: I am really pretty disappointed about "Noah" and that is the reason why I do not want to watch Exodus. But when it came to my knowledge that Christian Bale will play as Moses, I am somewhat convinced by Abbey to watch it one weekend. 

Why pay if you can get it for free? We won a movie preview in 3D at Shaw Lido. Whooah! Totally blessed. 

The story was well read in Bible's old testament that I am not quite familiar but some of the magnificent parts are all clear in my mind. I saw some of the scenes were altered and they made an explanation. It is terrifying that they have the guts to amend what was written. 

Anyway, for the movie effects and actors 9/10. Well played... Well played... 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A Night of Comedy with Rex Navarrete 2014 (Hosted by: Orion Perez)

ABBEY: This is the second time Rex visited Singapore and I'm glad we won a pair of ticket for his two-night performance by simply answering who is the character he made famous helping the Superfriends. Yes, it is Maritess.

The show was held at Drama Theatre of School of the Arts (SOTA; near Dhoby Ghaut MRT). Singapore-based Filipino comedian Orion Perez prepared our jaw and belly with his antics by speaking in a lot of accents. Like Australian, British, German, chong-ching-chang (Chinese), shubu-shubu-shubu (French), Singlish and (pakata-katak) Pinoy English.After thirty minutes or so, he introduced Rex.

Rex started his act by telling the story about his flight. It was very funny. "Don't "fanic", don't "fanic".  Then, he told us regarding the very first and probably the last dinner of his friend on their house. His friend definitely had a nightmare eating "black rocky road" (dinuguan).

Just like the first one, that night is great. I laughed a lot and I had a good time. Hoping that someday, Rex and Russel Peters will team up. Somebody's gonna hurt real bad. :)

WILL: It's harder to make someone laugh than it to make them cry. Comedians are the best pleasers in the world. We usually love them than hate them. That is why I salute this artist specially the stand-up comedians.

Last, 28th of November we went to SOTA Drama Theatre to see live one of the famous stand-up comedian in America.. Rex Navarrete. This is the second time we will watch him on stage and for this round we got this for free. Thanks to Curtis Curtis for the free pair of tickets.

Master of Accents (Orion Perez) a fellow Filipino living here in Singapore heated the stage by making his distinguished act.. The wacky way in explaining the accents of different people around the world. OMG! I laughed so hard when he say how the Filipinos talk, that we are like a duck... haha!

After Orion’s performance, Rex immediately came out and make us laugh out loud when he is explaining his experience in PAL. Well, I kinda experienced that around 2-3 incidents also while boarding the  Philippine Flag Carrier. I don’t want to explicate more, I do not want to spoil and divulge all their antics. But really, 2-3 hours is not enough to watch this guy. I want to befriend this kind of man. I think he turned in to laughing stock every hardships he had.

Better watch this kind of performances. Laughing is good for your heart, brain and lungs! Till next time Mr. Rex!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Fat Cow Palace - Chinatown

ABBEY: Big burgers are a craze nowadays. Just like Zark's burger in Philippines. Singapore's Fat Cow Palace in Temples Street (nearest MRT is Chinatown - Purple Line) offers a wide variety of burgers on their menu. 

As promotion, for only 9.50sgd, you can get a whole burger meal; big burger, fries, and a drink. I got the beef burger instead of chicken. The best part is that the beef pattie is not ground, it is pulled. Yes, just like the corned beef is made. The presentation is awesome. It was served in a chopping board, with side salad, burger in the middle and the fries were in a cute little fryer. The burger tastes somehow close to a Malaysian-kind of taste, but it was good. 

WILL: Looking for something that value the worth of your money? Go to the voucher sites like Groupon and and for sure you can see cheap finds there. 

Direct from office, we headed straight towards the Fat Cow Palace which just a street away from Chinatown MRT station. I asked for Crispy Chicken Tower Burger Set. 

In a burger business nowadays, if you do not present your food nicely, taste is just a norm and not in reasonable price, you will be doomed to failure. 

After almost half an hour of waiting, the huge burgers and fries is in front of us. I know it will be a messy dinner for me. :) Their fried slab of chicken inside is really crispy and tasty. Their fries is so thick.

If you're just around the area of Chinatown, don't forget to drop by at Fat Cow Palace Restaurant at Temple Street.  

Monday, December 1, 2014

Robata Robata Japanese Dining Buffet @Westgate

ABBEY: The first time I saw this restaurant on third storey of Westgate Mall, I told myself that I'll be dining in it.  Lo and behold, we decided to hold my post-birthday celebration lunch there with my ever-beautiful date, Wilma. 

I munched on their grilled chicken wings and also on grilled saba. I took a sample of their tepanyaki with chicken as meat. It was delicious. The mushroom give it a good aroma and taste. Since this is a Japanese restaurant, sushi will be present. 

My favourite inari is there. With chopsticks, wasabi and soy sauce, I ate a plateful of sushi. I also tried their porridge. Then I went for Japanese curry. It really went well with Japanese rice and chicken karaage. I thought I'll not be having  room for dessert but I did. I got chocolate ice. I washed them all up with a couple of lemonade.

WILL: It is Abbey’s long-month birthday celebration and to grant one of his wish, we dined at Robata Robata at Westgate.

Robata is a style of cooking on which originated in Japan. It is similar with the usual barbeque. But we dined at lunch so the pit was closed. Anyways we always want to lessen the grilled food.

Luckily they have a promotion until the 19th of December and we only paid for $26.90++ instead of $33.90++. From 12PM – 2:30 we were there! Can you do that? Non-stop eating? This is Japanese Buffet, and what is one of their specialty except for the Robatayaki? Well they also have Teppanyaki! If you know how to mix and match the vegetable with different sauces, that side is for you.

But for me and Abbey, we settled to already cooked-food. Of course I splurge on seafoods! Tempura, fresh shrimps, sashimi, sugata-zukuri, crabs, sushis! OMG! They occupied a large part of my tummy. Haha! Before my dessert. I tried their Japanese rice plus their famous curry. Then I looked for tonkatsu but there is none! Disappointing.

I got their lemonade. Finish 3 glasses of it, and on my count Abbey got 5. Haha! I have waffle topped with chocolate ice cream as my dessert.

Thanks Baby for your lunch treat! We headed home and never ate dinner for that day! Haha!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Honey Creme - 313 @ Somerset Branch

ABBEY: Traditionally, the birthday celebrator should be given gifts and should be thrown a party but either way, I'm ok. We got fried chicken meal from Jollibee. So to complete my birthday party food, I went to Honey Creme (313 @ Somerset) to buy dessert. 

They are selling soft ice creams with different toppings on cone and cup and opened in Singapore last October 26. That day the queue is not that long. It only took me 15 minutes to order Organic Cotton Candy Affogato  SGD6.20 (cotton candy and the ice cream is drowned with a shot of espresso) and Popcorn SGD5.50. 

The staff was surprised when I asked them for a carrier. They gave me a warning to eat it as soon as possible as it is a soft ice cream. Anyway, the ice cream is still chunky when we ate it. The one with espresso has better flavor. Not too bitter or too sweet, taste is just right as well as the creaminess. 

Payments are thru Nets and cash. Next time I'll try Dark Chocolate and Honey Comb. 

WILL: I am not a fan of ice creams. But I know how to appreciate the taste of this dessert.

It was Abbey’s 31st bday, and as always, I am thrilled what surprise he will bring in front of me. For 2014, he gave me soft served ice cream from Honey Creme. Gosh! He have the guts and a lot of effort to queue up on its long line.

After our dinner at Jollibee in Lucky Plaza, it’s time to make the judgment and see for ourselves why the people is lined up to this store at 313 @ Somerset. It is so creamy and the honey mix was really there! I love the cotton candy on top than the popcorn. I love to have again the Organic Cotton Candy Affogato. The cotton candy is so amazing to be consumed together with the ice cream swirled with espresso.

Next time, I will check-out the Honey Comb flavour! Thanks Abbey for the treat! And again, Happy 31st Birthday!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Big Hero 6

ABBEY: It's been months since we went to cinema. So before my natal day ended, we booked tickets for Big Hero 6 at Shaw Lido. 

Most of the movie goers were kids. Well, I'm a kid at heart; sometimes thinks and acts as a kid :) 

Walt Disney Studios made me burst into laughters as the movie unfolds. It is a story of a robot-fight-fanatic kid while his brother is developing the same for the purpose of helping the community. Lot of twists on the story and funny moments as well. Make sure to check Baymax's signature bump fist move and his scale of pain. 

Hire and Baymax is a good tandem. And with their whole team of nerd superhero, they are taking the world by storm. This is a good gift for my birthday.

WILL: It is my baby's birthday. Yeah my 31-year old boy's birthday. Haha! This is one of his birthday wish. So who am I to refuse on this childish request. Haha! 

The movie is all about siblings! Gosh! If siblings is the topic my heart melts so easily.

Good movie for children and adult with a young heart. I really want to feel how soft and warm Baymax is. 

Till next "Tralala". My rating 9/10.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

SilkBath Soothing Balance (Vanilla Botanics)

ABBEY: Coupon promotions are becoming popoular nowadays. Lately, we joined iMob SG. And as a VIP, I got Silkbath body wash 750mL for a dollar. 
The body wash smells very good and leaves your skin soft. It is as if you're being comforted by a very soft blanket upon application. Even though it offers VIP perks seldom on the last few months, I'm still hoping that they will again revive it and give us good discounts.

WILL: This is the second SilkBath product that we will use. First was when Abbey won at SilkPro SG giveaway. He got the SilkBath Extra Lighten (Grape Seed Botanics). Now we are about to review is the SilkBath Soothing Balance (Vanilla Botanics).

Thanks to SilkPro for innovating a fragrance like this. The Soothing Balance variant is really comforting. The sweet smell of vanilla always fills our bathroom. This cream is really bubbly that it will cover your whole body for only one pump. After rinsing it off, it definitely leaves your skin with silky feel.

Thanks to iMob for a $1.00 deal for this 750mL liquid body soap.

Monday, November 24, 2014

The Rainforest Lounge @ Changi Terminal 1

ABBEY: The best things in life are free. Yes it's true. Citibank is giving perks to their cardholders  and one of them is to have a complimentary pass to airport lounges. We redeemed it on our last back to Philippines. 

The Rainforest Lounge is at Changi Airport Terminal 1. Just present your Priority Pass and voila, you can enjoy their facilities. You can take shower, have a nap on a bed, or have snacks. 

That night they were serving fried chicken drumlets, chicken curry, and fried rice. Croissant, slices of bread and butter were there. Have a cup or two of coffee, tea, sodas, juice or just plain water. 

We'll visit the other lounges when we travel again.

WILL: Wohhhhooooo! This is it! This is my first time to wait for my flight in a lounge and I am so happy to experienced this with my husband. Well, another addition for lists of our "first". 

The World's Best Airport housed a lot of lounges. Upon checking while we are walking inside Changi they have more than 10 lounges. The neareast to our gate is The Rainforest Lounge. 

We entered and gratefully welcomed by the staffs. We were there for the food. Not for the sleeping room, jacuzzi or to entertain outselves while waiting.. We are there solely for the buffet. Haha! Gluttony indeed. 

We are expecting biscuits or bread and butter but they served rice. Our flight is midnight and to fight the sleepiness that slowly sinking to us, we fight it with food and a meaningful talk  

Thanks to Citibank Premiere Miles for the complimentary Priority Pass.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Pies & Coffee (Rochester Mall Branch)

ABBEY: If you want to relax by sound of rustling water and have snack as well, try to visit Pies and Coffees at Rochester Mall. The promo we got is for just S$24, you can have 2 pies with drinks. Usual price is around S$12 for pie only. 

I had Guinness Beef Pie. This comes with a little bit of "greens" for a side salad. The pie crust is thin, which is good because the fillings can really fill you up. :) It is delicious and full of flavour. 

The place can also be used as place of study. Reward yourself with a snack after you're done with your essay.

WILL: How about you've went to two clinics and found out that the doctors were all out for vacation? Husband and I just laughed for that misfits. Haha! Before our third hunt we decided to eat first at Pies and Coffees located at Rochester Park. 

Calming sound of waterfalls greeted us. Abbey and I decided to go for al fresco dining for us to linger with a very relaxing sound of dropping water. 

I have Chicken Mushroom and Iced English Breakfast Tea. Well, I am so thankful that the meal comes with mashed potato and salad. Their mashed potato is very outstanding. The texture is smooth and cheesy. 

On my pie, actually I do not know if i will be happy that the filling is more than I expected or sad because of a thin crust of the pie. Haha. The chicken tomato filling blends nicely to the perfect pie crust. It so big that I asked my husband to eat the remaining quarter of it. 

It is indeed a perfect place for people to gather. Perfect place and perfect food. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014


ABBEY: With still a lot to learn in where-to-eat in Singapore, locating Pantler is a challenge. The cafe is at Telok Ayer street near Amoy Food Centre. 

The shop is famous for their choux creme (creme puff). Take note, this can be only ordered for dine-in. I've seen pictures online and I was surprised that its size is small. Not the ordinary creme puff that I'm buying. But hey, the filling is incredible; not too sweet and has very good amount of creme in every puff. 

We also tried chocolate croissant. In my opinion, the sparkling water is a bit high. Anyways the taste is ok. 

WILL: Blog is a very powerful tool nowadays in advertising and marketing. Husband and I follow also food and travel bloggers around Singapore and one of those is Keropok Man. Thanks for enticing photo of cream puff.

Abbey and I decided to have a dessert date at Pantler. Just a walking distance from our office. So after our dinner we directly went for a sweet splurge. 

Photos were really one of the greatest deceivers nowadays. I'm totally shocked to see a small size of bread. Actually smaller than my palm. To stop my weeks of craving, we ordered two choux creme but they only got a last piece. Abbey gave way and he get croissant for him plus a drink. 

I sliced and happily saw that the inside was really filled by creme. Extra happiness when I munch a roasted sweet peanut inside my cream puff. Now I know why they charged $5.90 for this small piece of heaven. 

Thanks again to Keropok Man! More more power to you man!