Sunday, June 15, 2014

Wrap & Roll Singapore

ABBEY: Wilma is craving for Pho noodles then she stumbled upon an online contest where we won a 20sgd voucher in Wrap and Roll. Unfortunately the kind of noodles she wants is not yet part of the menu on their Ion Orchard branch. 

I tried their rice noodles with grilled pork/chicken and deep fried spring rolls. It is a dry noodle dish but with savoury and tangy flavour. Their condiments really helps to bring out the taste on each dish. We also got our hands at work on doing grilled pork skewers roll; it was moist, saucy and delicious. 

WILL: Don't fool me. Don't you tell me that never, as in never ever, even once that you was enticed on the food posted on your facebook newsfeed. 

I craved and I missed the Vietnamese cuisine when I saw Wrap and Roll announcement on their newly opened branch at One@Kentridge. Asked Abbey to have a dinner there. Very, very lucky he won a contest at Where To Eat Singapore which entitled us on a $20.00 voucher. Sheduled!

We went to Wrap and Roll Ion Orchard branch. Sat, ordered and waited. I am so happy that day but when I saw the menu, my heart was crushed. No Pho Ga. The waiter told us that they will add that food in their menu on the next upcoming week. Anyway, why whine if there is so many choices to indulge in.

I ordered for Bún cá (Vietnamese Fish Noodle Soup). Our first time to eat a Bánh ướt cuốn thịt nướng (Grilled Pork in Steamed Rice Paper Rolls). We have fun and tummy-fulfilling date that night. We will be sure coming back for more noodle soup.

Hooray to your staffs! They patiently explains to almost every diners how to eat the appetizers
served. Thanks a lot to Where To Eat Singapore! for the voucher ;)

Friday, June 13, 2014

Musubi Recipe

3 cups cooked japanese rice
1 1/2 cup of sushi vinegar
1 pack of nori sheets
2 cans of Spam

Fry the Spam then set aside. For the sushi rice, mix the cooked rice and the vinegar and mix well until the rice cools.
Cut the nori sheets 2.5inch wide. Lay one sheet on a flat surface and put a slice of Spam on top of it. Roll a ball of rice and flatten it on the Spam. Wrap the nori around then close it.

Spam Musubi is a snack originated in the island of Hawaii. 

WILL: I was astonished when I saw my dinner that night.. A giant sushi! Haha! Well, Abbey told me it is called musubi. And I more surprised that upon doing some researching on it, I learned that it is lunch food/snack in Hawaii and not in Japan.

Ditch out your chopsticks because you need your own fingers to put this growth-ball-infused-sushi for you to munch in. The taste! Perfect! I love the spam and rice dipped into soy sauce with wasabi. So good!

Baby, you never fail to surprise me. :p

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

S.E.A. AQUARIUM (Singapore) Marine Life Park

ABBEY: Many times we talked about going to SEA Aquarium in Sentosa and we planned it when my sister went to Singapore for a visit. We came across an online promo; 50sgd for 2-adult compared to 38 per pax for regular days. Children under 4 years of age can enter for free. 

The places I like is the two tunnels; one exhibiting sharks and the other sting rays. The jellyfish really caught my attention. They were in a tank wherehe light varies from color to color. It was being reflected on the jellyfish as if it is their natural colors. Also their motion is graceful; taking time in roaming on the water. 

The giant viewing deck which resembles an auditoruim gives you a good view on life on water. I'm big and tall but standing next to the giant creatures made me a dwarf. This is a good place to go specially for kids. 

WILL:  Welcome to Singapore, Armas Family! Supposedly they are going to visit us 2 years ago but some great and happy thing happened that cancels their tour. And that is DomDom.This evolved mainly for the enjoyment of little DomDom that is why we skipped the Universal Studios of Singapore and went kids-friendly/educational tour.

First stop, S.E.A. Aquarium at Resorts World Sentosa. This is the world's biggest aquarium before China beat it last year. It housed a lot of marine creatures that you can ever imagine. 

From the big walls of glasses, you can feel the greatness of the sea. The awesome and unique inhabitants of it and pretty perfect fishes. 

Here I saw live Nemo, Dory, and the cute fish from the past show "Songs of the Sea". 

Sharks will say hello to you, sting rays, the graceful dolphins, eels, and even the jelly fish will enlighten your day. 

We also saw some of the crews cleaning the glasses from the inside. Haha, it reminds me of the aquarium of my Tita Cely when I was young.

A nice place for your children. It won't take a whole day for you to check this out. Oh, they have a current promotion of 2 tickets for $50. Nice deal right? Click here to find out more.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Dear Darla Pizza by Yellow Cab Philippines

ABBEY: My wife introduced me to this unique pizza when we were dating during boyfriend/girlfriend stage. And we came to like it. 

You'll be given a pizza in which you can top it up with herbs and greenies then roll it like a burrito. The pizza is aromatic and delicious. I can finish maybe two at one sitting. What a fun way to have your dinner.

WILL: Shakey's, Pizza Hut, Manhattan, and even Domino's are here in Singapore, what I am missing? Sbarro and Yellow Cab.

When Abbey and I got the chance to splurge for some pizza on our way back here in Singapore, we easily jumped in. OMG!, so thankful to have a Yellow Cab branch at NAIA terminal 3. 

Together with Abbey's colleague, we ordered Dear Darla. With excitement, I am the one who first pull of a sheet of pizza, put the alfalfa sprouts and arugula, sprinkles with chillies, top up some of their famous oil. Wow! I can finish the whole box! I am drooling while putting these words together. Haha!

I will surely visit Yellow Cab again! Thanks my Dear Darla for satisfying my cravings!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Disney - Maleficent Premiere Night (Singapore)

ABBEY: Once again, thank you Nuffnang for the pair of tickets.

SPOILER ALERT: This movie will change your perception regarding the evil witch and on the whole fairy tale.
The portrayal of Maleficent by Angelina is superb. It is just like the animated movie came to life. The soft side of the "fallen" fairy was shown as well as why she got angry with humans resulting in seeking her revenge.

Is it just me or Disney is setting the trend that "Prince Charmings" are not needed to give the one true love? They started on Frozen, now on Maleficent.

WILL: I am not your typical girl who loves "and they live happily ever after". I am a villain-enthusiast. I am more interested on the exciting lives of the people behind the miserable, sad, and boring life of princesses. 

When Disney Studios introduced the Maleficent trailer starred by Angelina Jolie, all I do is count days on its showing date and wait for Nuffnang to give a pair ticket for us to attend its premiere night. Lo and behold, we won a ticket for 3D, premiere night at The Cathay.

It's all about the truth behind the unforgivable mistake done by a person you love. Revenge. How true love voids curse. 

Again, good movie Disney..

Saturday, May 31, 2014

7Adam Gallery Restaurant (A Celebration of Food and Art)

ABBEY: Having different working schedules is a tough one. But it is great that my wife is good in managing our time. Like the brunch we had at 7Adam. 

Since I'm on the second shift, the only "we" time we had is a brunch. She won an online contest which entitled her to select one entry on the menu and have it for free. Yes, I got to pay for my order. 

I had burger sliders. The wagyu beef patty is sandwiched with greenies, tomato and pickles. The taste is the same as our "lumpiang shanghai" back in Philippines. Weird but true. 

7Adam is located at, as you guess, 7 Adam Road on a white colonial house.

WILL: "No food and drinks allowed". This is the sign you will usually see at museums and art galleries. Well, isn't great dining while you are in midst of work of arts? 7Adam fulfilled my fantasies...

Before the month of May ends, husband and I redeemed the voucher we snatched when 7Adam held a brunch giveaway. Again big thank you 7Adam

From Farrer Road Mrt, we took Bus 165 and alighted in front of a white colonial house. We went inside and amazed by the big chillies dispalyed. We paved our way to the second floor and more work of arts like painting and carvings greeted us.  We were guided to our seats just beside a window, so romantic!!! The ambiance is so serene and elegant.  

For the food, I ordered 7Adam Hearty Breakfast. I like my eggs to be poached and additional basket of breads. The food is a typical american breakfast, the extraordinary is their melted butter on the side where you can dip everything you want with it. 

Food + work of arts = Awesomeness.

Thanks 7Adam for the free brunch ;)

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Slow Fried Chicken with Mushroom Sauce Recipe

2pcs Chicken Fillet
1 can mushroom
1 pack cooking cream

Dry marinade the chicken with pepper, paprika and garlic for 12 hours. Fry in a low heat. 

Sauté garlic, onion, and sliced mushrooms. Once caramelized, pour in the cooking cream. Let it simmer.

Put the mushroom creme on top and serve with hot rice.

ABBEY: Wilma again waved her magic sandok to come up with this recipe. The food is delicious. The cream really went well with the chicken. The soft texture of button mushroom gave more variation on each bite. Maybe next time she'll perfect the cream to gravy-like viscosity.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Cali "Cafe & Bar" - American Buffet Breakfast (Weekend)

ABBEY: Cali Cafe is located at Rochester Park - few minutes away from Buona Vista MRT station. Right after my night shift I went there to have buffet breakfast with Wilma, Ate Sol, and Sam. 

It is a small place but is warm got a homey feel. I got chicken franks, spring rolls, olio pasta as well as sunny side up and scrambled egg. As usual I ate a lot of bacon. I liked the ones that is in the bottom of the warmer. They're crispy and has less fat. 

Before going there we confirmed that the price is less than 12.90sgd; we even checked for the dates. But unfortunately, as per the staff the promo is already over. The experience is good but would have been better if we got discounts :)

WILL: We were with Sam and my sister Ate Sol when we visited the Cali Cafe. We love buffets and we really think that we can save more on that rather than ordering ala-carte. 

Cali Cafe and Bar posted a promotion of $12.90 nett for an American Breakfast Buffet. Why not grabbed the chance when it is just near at our home?

Around 7am we were already there. We ate as if no sun will rise on us for tomorrow. Haha. Overflowing bread, cheese, crispy bacon, sausages, and my favorite...their scrambled egg. We stay there for 3 hours. Eat-rest-eat-rest, haha! Even it is Sunday, the place is so
serene and relaxing. 

When Abbey went to the counter for payment. The boy behind the counter told us that it costs $20.00. He is not aware of the promotion posted in their facebook page. Too bad! But hey, bring your children here. Child eats for free. :) 

Till next time Cali Cafe.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sweet and Sour Fish Fillet

fish fillets
2 eggs 
1 cup all purpose flour
1 pack Mama Sita’s Sweet and Sour Mix

Rinse the fish fillets. Put cracked pepper and leave for 3 hours. Beat egg and put 1 teaspoon salt and marinate the fish for 15 minutes. On separate plate, put a salt and pepper to the flour. Get the fish fillet and cover it with seasoned flour. Deep fry until golden brown. 

in 3/4 water, dissolve the Mama Sita’s Sweet and Sour Mix. Saute the ginger followed by garlic and onion. Pour in the dissolved mix and stir until thickened. Pour over the fried fish fillet. 

ABBEY: Wilma told me that she'll be cooking for our dinner. And she asked me how to cook sweet and sour fish fillet. She did it. As usual she's nervous what would be the taste and how will I react. It turned out to be good; it has less sauce though. The fillet is well coated and tasty. It goes well with the sauce and hot rice.