Friday, November 24, 2017

Justice League (2017)

ABBEY: We watched Justice League on the weekend after its release at Golden Village Paya Lebar. The movie doesn’t have a boring scene specially when Gal Gadot is there. Who gets bored with her? 

Adding The Flash and his crazy punchlines and naivety, you will definitely burst into laughter specially when he showed his skills but realized that Superman is also fast. 

Yes, that is a spoiler. My fave superhero is alive. I just noticed that there are some resemblance with Batman and Ironman with regards of how they act as rich persons as well as Spiderman and The Flash.

Definitely there will be a sequel for this.

Golden Village - Duo Deluxe, Paya Lebar
Justice League (2017)

Aside from Wonder Woman, this is the one of the most awaited film of Abbey for 2017, Justice League (where's Green Lantern?). 

I enjoyed the movie, but of course not as much enjoyment with Marvel's. I am not aware that Superman can be resurrected from the dead and he is the only hope for the sequel. 

I like The Flash, the cocky and childish character. Ahmm, yeah, just like Spiderman. 

Totally recommended for kids. :) 

Golden Village - Duo Deluxe, Paya Lebar
(A) SingPost Centre, #03-107, 10 Eunos Rd 8 

Thursday, November 23, 2017

52-Week and 12-Month Money Saving Challenge 2018

We hear you!!!

Large number of readers, oh even our relatives told us that it is impractical to withdraw money from the bank just to put in their piggy bank. It creates hassle on their part.

Readers who receives a monthly salary preferred to save per month. Some are comfortable on the traditional weekly savings.

To accommodate both, we generated 52-week and monthly money savings challenge. FREE TO DOWNLOAD. Click the images below. 

12-Month Money Saving Challenge 2018
52-Week Money Saving Challenge 2018

Now, due to upcoming new event for us, we decided to have the monthly savings plan too. This new set-up will bring excitement for both of us and we can dish out our 3 year old Garrett popcorn tin can.

Make money-saving a habit. It’s for your future! 

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Singapore FinTech Festival 2017

ABBEY: Singapore held the largest fintech festival last November 13-17 at Expo. We went there on the second day and we were awed by the works being done to further progress the development of new technology in providing financial services. 

Transactions will be lightning-fast, have less fees and more secure. Vulnerabilities will be there and that’s when the specialists comes in. 

Blockchains and crypto currencies are also here to stay. And it is exciting what it will bring in the future. 

Singapore FinTech Festival 2017:NEM Blockchain

Singapore FinTech Festival 2017:
Oracle Digital Banking

Singapore FinTech Festival 2017:
 Monetary Authority Singapore Project Ubin

Of course, Singapore will not let themselves left behind! Singapore is Asia's hub of big international banks and a major key player in technology in the region. Surpasses all, Singapore organized the largest FinTech in the globe... The Singapore FinTech Festival 2017. 

Monetary Authority Singapore presented to people the Project Ubin. Oracle gladly presented their Digital Banking. IBM have a mini discussion about their Watson Security. Visa booth is full packed and giving away Rubik's Cube. 

NEM and LoyalCoin threw a smile and answered queries on every attendees visited their booth. Finally, a reward system that is 'loyal' to consumers. Imagine, you can get rewards from coffee shop and spend the reward to another store. OR you can convert it to XEM or Bitcoin or fiat money. Kaching! 

What can I say? Technology is moving too fast and we need to adapt and grow. Blockchain is truly disrupting the financial world. Once it is perfected, it will crawl on to the next level.. Supply Chain. 

We are indeed lucky that we are here in Singapore witnessing the biggest transition of 'money' to 'token'. This is exciting. 

No chance to attend this event? Don't fret, as early as now they are already building up for 2018 Singapore Fintech Festival. Keep an eye on it.