Monday, December 14, 2015

Masters of Wealth Singapore 2015 - Live with Robert Kiyosaki by Success Resources

ABBEY: Financial education is needed now more than ever. Me and my wife read books, watch talks and attend seminars. That's why we were so excited when we knew that Robert Kiyosaki will be having speaking engagement here in Singapore. No more booking of hotels or catching a flight. It was held last November 29 at Resorts World Convention Centre. 

I saw parents went with their youngsters exposing them and giving them education at early age. It was a whole day affair, literally. We started at 9AM and stretched until 9:30PM.

The facilitator Jason Tyne ensures that the audience is not sleeping as he always asks questions and give exercise routines to the attendees. All of them are good speakers in their own fields. But there's one thing common in them: to motivate, boost and make you do the act and that is the start.

The ones who caught most of my attention were Peng Joon, JT Foxx, and of course Robert Kiyosaki.

Peng Joon talked about how to setup and earn money online. He is younger than me and my wife but he already reached greater heights. We opted to enroll my wife for his intensive seminar and I know this is the start of our formal training in that field.

JT Foxx randomly give his perception on the attendees. I'm glad that I was picked and everything he told is true and I got instant personality check. He talked how a person needs to take action to progress and should be done now.

Most of the speakers offer their classes which don't come cheap. You just need to choose what you really want. Time passed and the last speaker were introduced on the stage. Robert, as entrepreneur, no need for him to promote his classes nor the books. They are selling themselves. The take away from him is that change the mindset, study, learn and act.

WILL: He is one of my favourite author in financial literacy arena. Well, who am I to pass a great deal to see him in flesh and directly talking to me. Thank you Robert Kiyosaki and the gang for going here in Singapore!!! 

In pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, we were at Resorts World Sentosa too early to get a good seat. We were got the 3rd in row in the center. Yey! 

PengJoon make his way on the stage first and taught us how to earn in internet. JT Foxx interacted with my husband about branding. Kevin Green awed me when he blatantly told the audience that his secret in surpassing Robert Kiyosaki's real estate business. And a lot more speakers are there to make your eye and ears open for you to get a piece of their brains. 

Then Robert took the stage around 8pm. We never had dinner but still it is okay. Do not care with the growling tummy, I am there to feed my brain. As usual Robert uses a harsh words. But it is okay, because stup@d people need those forceful words to open up their minds for them to use their braincells. So Robert says saving money is not a good thing to do today, financial education is very important and people who are ready within will never be affected of any financial crisis that the economy goes through. In fact, if you are knowledgeable enough, you can make a tons of money in a crashing market. Do not worry Robert, I got you there! :) 

This is one of the most beautiful self-investment I ever went. Thanks Wealth Resources for making this dream come true. :)

Monday, December 7, 2015

Damai Spa - Grand Hyatt Singapore

ABBEY: From time to time we need to unwind and get relaxed. So as part of our company's insurance we can avail wellness benefits which include spas. We booked at Damai in Grand Hyatt Singapore. We were given coconut juice before the session and a couple of minutes later we were ushered to our respective rooms. After telling me where to put my things, I took a shower. They have "Japan toilet". The one where the sit is warm and has high-end bidet system with only a push of a button.

The masseur is waiting for me to wash my feet and give them pre-massage. I was also asked what oil they should use. I picked the healing one as it smells relaxing and refreshing. And yes most of the session I'm asleep. The pressure is medium and it is ok for me, not a fan of hard massage. What I liked the most is the foot massage. They were aching before the massage, but after I felt like I'm walking on cushions.

The session ended with a cup of ginger tea so good that we asked for more. The next batch came in a teapot. :)

WILL: If you will search In the internet "Best Spas in Singapore" Damai Spa is always included. For my husband's birthday month, we got to check this out. Haha! 

I booked for a 75-minute Classic Swedish Massage for $234.00 each person. Expensive? Yes it is. This is under Abbey's insurance benefits so we do not worry too much about the price. Thanks AETNA! 

So when we entered the magnificent all wood reception we were immediately assisted to seat, gave us a freezing cold glass of coconut water and we waited for our masseurs. When they approached us, they guided us to our rooms. Gosh! The room is so huge and fancy. Ohh! I love their heated bowl seat. It is relaxing.

In bathrobe, I was welcomed with their foot bath and asked me what oil I want for massage. The massage starts. I requested for more pressure..of course and Ying's (my masseur's name) hand is like dancing on my back...then I fell on slumber. She got me back to reality when she asked me to lie on my back. :) 

Well, the massage is well done. But I regret that I do not have a chance to try their facilities because of our lack of time. 

When we were at reception I asked for a pot of their hot ginger tea. They gladly gave us a pot and 2 teacup. Love to stay in that relaxing place but we need to go for some errands. 

Till next time Damai Spa of Grand Hyatt Hotel.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Hotdog & Sweet Tomato Sauce Recipe

1 pack hotdog with cheese 
1 can of tomato sauce 
2 big onions 

Cut the hotdogs in three-part. Fry until crispy. Set aside in the pan, sauté the sliced onion for 2 minutes. Pour a can of tomato sauce. Simmer. 

Once you see tiny bubbles, squeeze ketchup as much as you desire (if you want it sweet). Sprinkle pepper and salt to taste. 

Serve hot.

ABBEY: Yes it is like a spaghetti sauce. But this time the hotdogs were cut into thumb-size pieces. I thought it doesn't go well with rice. I even kidded Wilma that we can use pasta instead of rice. But it was good. It is delicious. Another item was added to our menu.