Monday, August 20, 2012

Skin Cravings Scrub Me Pretty : Cranberry Yogurt

ABBEY: We saw the ad for this body scrub on one of our flight going back to Philippines. The product is different as it has yogurt in it. The aroma of cranberry fills the bathroom when I use it and the beads really clean my body making it soft and smooth.

WILL:  I saw an ad of this Scrub Me Pretty selections in a magazine rack of Cebu Pacific. As I read it, I blurted to Abbey that add this up in our grocery list, and so he did. For Php350, a bottle of cranberry yogurt covered our 5 weeks of exfoliation. 
      No salt at all and yet the cranberry seeds were there and it does the job that salt must do. Oh, I am so fragrantly delicious. Sweet! Haha! Love the scent and the softness of skin we have. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Boh - Cameron Highlands Tea

ABBEY: Preparing this tea requires great timing :) Why did I say it? Soaking the bag for more than 3 minutes will burn the leaves unlike the other brands. 
       Many times I drank the bitter taste of the tea. Later, I somehow managed to prepare it on time and sip the relaxing concoction during my tea breaks.

WILL: Cameron Highlands of Malaysia is one of my list to go, this is just near to Singapore only a coach away. What makes me want to go there? The tea plantation. Tea enthusiast indeed! But before going there I stumbled their manufactured tea in Cold Storage at VivoCity Mall. Bought it and I really need to taste it. 
      Every land really grows different taste of fruits, ahm and leaves hehe. For a starting tea adventurer, try this Boh Tea, has an extra mild flavor. Really recommendable, this box is only $2.35 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Swiss Miss - Marshmallow

ABBEY: This chocolate drink taste like Nesquik. Like other choco treat, this can be served as hot or cold. To complete the unique of the concoction, tiny marshmallows were added to the mix. This little delights dissolve along as you stir. I like to prepare a hot cup whenever I finished a major task at the office; as a reward :) And i prefer the cold one after a jog to regain energy.

WILL: I am not into sweets, I am not into chocolates, even chocolate drinks...unlike Abbey. As I stated on my previous posts for "last drop", Abbey is on the midst of transforming from coffee to tea drinker, but when I saw that this Swiss Miss chocolate marshmallows on sale, I grabbed it immediately for some treat for my husband. 
      I know this drink since my college days. The creamy and chocolaty taste soothes the drinker in every sip. This is one of my greatest pal when I am on the midst of the late night reading my Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines Vol. 2. Those were the days. These costs 8SGD.