Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Oriental Chicken Bountiful Fortune Pizza - Pizza Hut Singapore

ABBEY: What do we have for Chinese New Year dinner? Pizza. Haha. No time to cook. Wilma placed an order and after an hour the delivery came.

Pizza Hut have this Bountiful Fortune Pizza in shape of a Chinese coin. It is a stuffed-crust pizza with toppings of oriental chicken, pineapple tidbits, capsicum, mushroom , cheese and salmon floss.
It was delicious if you eat it hot or cold; doesn't matter :) You definitely will come back for more.

WILL: Our housemates ordered Dominos's Pizza last CNY and my brain suddenly missed Pizza Hut. Hurriedly, I searched their website and found their specialty for 2016's Chinese New Year, the Bountiful Fortune Pizza. Even though our housemates offered us one box, I still insisted to buy our own. Hehe. Why? I am totally longing for Pizza Huts's thick and oily doughs. Hahaha! 

My 2 boxes arrived earlier than expected, it is hot and the aroma filled the room. Pulled a piece... craving satisfied! 

I ate 3 in one seating (for dinner), put it aside and ate another one before going to bed. Haha. In the morning I shared 2 slices with my husband and we opened the free regular pizza on afternoon. 

Honestly, Pizza Hut is more expensive than other  pizza companies PLUS they will charge you a delivery fee. This one large and one regular costs SGD44.50 compare to Dominos' buy one take one large Pizza (free delivery) of SGD33.00 that comes with a Coke. Anyways, I am not always splurging on pizzas. Hehe. One Pizza Hut annually is enough just to satisfy my tastebuds.  :)

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Shin-Sapporo Ramen (Orchard Gateway Branch) - Tonkotsu Fire Ramen

ABBEY: This restaurant is another item in my "To Dine" list. Shin Sapporo (Orchard Gateway B2-04A-05) offers this one of a kind ramen: the Tonkutsu Fire Ramen.
Note: You need to have reservation a day prior to your eating time.

We were an hour earlier and we thought we will wait for another 60 minutes. But Stanley, their attentive and hospitable staff, gave us confirmation that we can start. We were briefed and given the do's and don't when the chef is doing the performance. Basically, stay away from the scalding hot oil splashes and the fire.

I was given an apron for protection and I was led to my seat. My wife was my cameraman that time.
Then the performance began. And the fire nearly reached the ceiling. That's the reason there were black traces of smoke on it.
Since we ordered two bowls, they did it twice.
We went back to our table and and the bowls of ramen were served.
It was delicious. I also put chili oil. The best thing is that I can order another serving of noodles for free.
Each bowl costs 16SGD. 

WILL: Abbey serious about his "to-dine" list! Hehe. This time we went to visit Shin-Sapporo Ramen.

When we arrived at the restaurant, we were educated on the things that will happen and what is the Fire Ramen will be. Minutes later, two bowls are on fire! I immediately look around for fire alarms may sound off. Why? The fire reached the restaurant's ceiling! Whew! 

Then, we dug in. What's the taste? To tell you, we are sick that time and longing for a hot and spicy soup that will make our flu fly away! So what's the taste? It is one of the most delicious ramen we have ate. Creamy soup is perfect. Now I am drooling! Haha!

Very recommendable.

Shin-Sapporo Ramen
277 Orchard Road 
#B2-04A/05 Orchard Gateway 
T: 6702 4906

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Plate @ Carlton City Hotel - Dinner Buffet

ABBEY: My younger brother and his family paid us a visit at the start of 2016. So we planned to have a buffet dinner. We went to The Plate at Carlton City Hotel (Tanjong Pagar); which offers seafood and international buffet. We were an hour early and they are still setting up. When they opened, we were ushered to our table. The staff really took care of our needs as we have a little cute baby in our group. 

We hurriedly went to the buffet table and pick up our first rounder. Mine was sushi and sashimi. After saying grace, we indulged ourselves to every bite. Next I got roast beef; the part with oozing fats :) It was delicious. Then I went for baked salmon with yogurt and cucumber sauce along with that I also had baked potatoes. For dessert I made my own ice kachang. Only ice and syrup. Haha. No beans. Then I also tried their chocolate ice cream. It is creamy and not that much sweet.

We got the deal from for only $40.00.

WILL: As a matter of fact, buffets can either make you spend or make you save money.  In our course, we always make it to the point that we will surely be on "save money" side. 

As usual, we treat our Singapore tourist with a buffet dinner and I am glad that offers a mouthwatering list of buffer options. Abbey and I chose the Friday Dinner Night pf The Plate at the Carlton City. 

What to expect for $40 nett (voucher price)? Seafood! Arrays of Singaporean menu, bak kut teh, live station of laksa and pastas, and ice kachang. Their mini cakes, roasted beef and ice creams. That value includes refreshments like soda, juices, tea, and coffee. Do not forget to indulge on their ice creams. 

The place is full-packed that day and all people seems enjoyed their food. Kuddos to the lovely staffs that relentlessly clearing our table and keeping our little one feel like home. :) 

Plate (Level 3)
1 Gopeng Street, Singapore 078862
T:+65 6632 892  Email:f&