4 pcs of tokwa (cubed and fried)
1 small can of black beans (tausi)
Garlic and onion
Saute the onion and garlic then put on the black beans. Estimate the saltiness as you put the black beans sauce. Put the tokwa. Simmer for 2 to 3 minutes. Serve with hot rice.
WILL: Well, this viand is one of my favorite but my Nanay hates it.. hahaha! Tofu is not good for her arthritis, but what can she do? I am always craving for anything made from soya beans. And she can't blame me because since birth due to lactose intolerance and allergic reaction on her breast milk, the doctor prescribed a soya milk.
Abbey got it right. Its like my Mom went here and cooked for me. Love it a lot! Thanks Bbey!