Showing posts with label Free Kindness Cards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Free Kindness Cards. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 31, 2013 - Free Kindness Cards

ABBEY: "Give and it will come back to you", "It is more blessed to give than to receive"; these are the teachings from the Bible. And as the ultimate gift that was given to us when God sent His only Son to die for our sins, we need to do our part. 

Wilma and I always look for ways to give back; be it to an acquaintance or to a stranger. Not that we want to boast but we have a sense of satisfaction when helping others. has the same objective. They're doing act of kindness and hoping the recipient will pay it forward. Send them a mail thru their website and they will give you cards (size of name cards) to give to your recipients with suggestiosn on how to do a random act of kindness. 

It is uplifting to know that there are people and organization who still want to make the world a better place. Kindly join the cause :)

WILL: Do you feel so blessed and feel an extra happiness when you're giving to others some of your blessing? Do you want the people to know that you do this out of HIS abundant love unto you? If you are doing this random act of kindness, well congratulations to you! You're not alone in this run. If you are ready to spread kindness and you need some cards to encourage others to do same, will be ready to help you on this. They are giving away some kindness cards for free and out of a good heart you can donate to them also. 

We can do this world a better place to live-in, our small ways will make a big impact to the recipient. Happy Spreading the Kindness!